Childcare Funds
The College childcare fund is available to eligible students who have a child dependent on them who need help to cover the cost of formal registered childcare while studying. Priority is given to lone parents and couples on low incomes as evidenced by having working tax credits or Universal Credit. Our budget is limited so apply as early as possible. Non priority groups may be put on a waiting list for the fund.
Childcare providers are paid directly by the College on set payment dates once a month in arrears and awards cover term-time only and do not cover deposits or College holiday weeks. Providers must be registered on the government Care Inspectorate website. Before applying please read our brief Childcare Factsheet for more information.
Who we can help
- Full-time Students on FE Courses (SCQF Level 6 and below) - Students can apply when they receive their bursary funding activation email. You must have applied for an FE bursary to be eligible, even just a travel or course materials bursary.
- Full-time Students on HE Courses (SCQF Level 7 and above) - Students must have applied for ALL available funding from SAAS to be eligible for help from the fund. Contact Student Funding to be sent a Childcare Activation link to apply.
- Part-time Students on FE Courses (SCQF Level 6 and below) - Students on day-time part-time courses can apply for help from the fund, contact Student Funding to be sent a Childcare Activation link to apply.
- Part-time Students on HE Courses (SCQF Level 7 and above) - Not eligible for this fund. If you are studying a part-time HNC/HND course, unfortunately, you cannot apply to the Childcare Fund, however, you can still apply to the Discretionary Fund for help towards your childcare and travel costs while you are studying.
For further help with your application please e-mail: studentadvisors@cityofglasgowcollege.ac.uk.
How to Apply
If you are studying a full-time course at SCQF level 6 or below there will be a childcare application form beside your Bursary application on your funding form.
- Click the Childcare Application tab and then Apply Now.
- Before applying please read our brief Childcare Factsheet for more information.
- Childcare Provider Form.
If you are studying any other course contact the Student Funding team - drop-in to Student Services, call us on 0141 375 5190 or email us studentfunding@cityofglasgowcollege.ac.uk. You will then be sent an activation email to apply. Applications will be acknowledged immediately and assessed within 4-6 weeks.