The Institute of Innovation and Knowledge Exchange (IKE Institute) is the UK’s professional body for innovators. The Institute accredits, certifies, and benchmarks innovation capabilities, providing research and development, as well as training and mentoring in innovation and digital transformation. We have experience of collaborating with sectors including Construction, Creative, Defence, Education, Energy, Manufacturing, Space, Health, and Technology.
IKE Institute’s work is guided by the Innovation Council, which brings together senior business leaders representing different economic sectors. IKE also influences the inter-relationship between education, business, and government through research and collaborative networks and their Innovation Manifesto highlights their commitment to supporting the development of innovative people and organisations.
Our Courses
- Innovation for Practitioners - Introduction to Innovation - 16 May.
- Certificate of Professionalism in Innovation Practice - 24 April or 12 June.
- Certificate of Professionalism in Innovation Practice - 21 June.
- Innovation and Strategy for Business Leaders - 28 March.
Meet The Team
Our experienced team are here to help and assist you every step of the way. Contact one of our team members to get started now.
Stuart McDowall
Head of Innovation and STEM
0141 375 5209
Stuart is responsible for the implementation of the College’s ambitious innovation agenda and its commitment to enhancing STEM provision. Stuart manages a diverse range of domestic, as well as transnational innovation projects and delivers a portfolio of training programmes through the Scottish Institute of Innovation and Knowledge Exchange.
Susan Watson
European Funding Officer
0141 375 5212
Susan is responsible for the administrative and budgeting requirements of numerous projects funded through ESF, Lifelong Learning programmes and Erasmus+. Organising incoming and outgoing mobilities of staff and students whilst also assisting in creating learning materials on Gender Equality and Circular Economy.
Demi Inglis
Business and Administration Officer
0141 375 8898
Demi is responsible for the administrative support requirements within numerous projects in the STEM & Innovation and International Partnerships Team.

Chris Smith
Business Manager
Chris is primarily responsible for developing the Riverside Workforce Skills Innovation Centre, an aspirational new-build on the site of the former Nautical College, and the new Incubation Hub, located within City Campus. As a veteran of the Royal Navy he also has oversight for all engagement with the Defence sector.
Further Information
- Download our Scottish IKE brochure.
- For more information about Scottish IKE, please contact - Stuart McDowall - Head of Innovation & STEM or complete our Enquiry Form and a member of the team will be in touch.